Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 05: Homework

Nothing will be submitted this week please practice the following skills at home

Khan Math Skills: (Make Sure to sign in to Khan Academy when you click the link)
Round to the nearest 10 or hundred
Addition using groups of 10 and 100
Addition within 100
Addition within 1000

Practice home work math sheets - Every day

Raz Kids
Reading assignment or Leveled Books - 30 min a day (15 English) Fill out reading log submit Friday.

Practice Spelling Word Study - Spelling Test Next Wednesday 10/5
Long E pattern (ee, ae, y, e_e)
1. between
2. least
3. east
4. steam
5. street
6. eighteen
7. beaver
8. breeze
9. weave
10. honey
11. meeting
12. sleeping
High Frequency words
13. would
14. many
15. some

Choose 4 spelling words a day and write a sentence with each one.

Mrs. Bremer Homework:

Reading: Book report
Study for Social Studies Test based on the Study Guide.
Study Guide will be completed on Friday 9/23 and Monday 9/26
Students will take home Study Guide on Monday.

Test on Tuesday 9/27

Reading: Book report

Reading : Book report

Reading: Book report

         1.  Khan Academy Online Math               1.  Raz-Kids Online Reading

Monthly Newsletter 
Click here to find out exactly what we are studying this month!

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