Monday, January 9, 2017

Week 20: Homework

Reading/Language Arts
Monday 1/9
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 1/16

Practice Spelling Words
Finish Math practice test in blue folder

Study for test the Four Marks of the Church. It will be on Thurs.
First Communion Question # 7
What do we do when we go to Mass?
1.     We offer ourselves with Jesus to God.
2.     We listen to God speak words of love to us.
3.     We remember Jesus dying and rising.
4.     We celebrate His victory over sin and death.
5.     We give thanks and praise to God.
6.     Jesus gives Himself as a sacrifice at Mass.
7.     We can receive the Bread of Life and we become one with Jesus.

PE Classes for third grade will now be Monday and Wednesday. Please wear PE uniforms these days.

School wide mass will be Thursday. Please wear mass uniform these days.
Tuesday 1/10
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 1/16

Practice Spelling Words

Math Test Today

Wednesday 1/11
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 1/16

English Spelling test- Today
Choose one of the below for practice:

Khan Academy skills:

Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Thursday 1/12
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 1/16

Choose one of the below for practice:

Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Friday 1/13
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 1/16

English Spelling Words (Test 1/11) Spanish Spelling words on Ecology Vocab
Short a and e in notebooks

  1. feather
  2. else  
  3. chapter
  4. traffic
  5. stand
  6. lesson
  7. spend
  8. dance
  9. friend
  10. answer
  11. rabbit
  12. desk
  13. should
  14. while
  15. own

Additional Resources:

         1.  Khan Academy Online Math               1.  Raz-Kids Online Reading

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