Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 23: Homework

Hello Third Grade Parents!

This past week we had lots of fun learning. Here is quick recap our how are week went.

In language arts we continued to focus on close reading skills and narrative writing. We are focusing on editing our writing as well.

In math we are nearing the end of our multiplication unit.

In social studies, we are looking more in depth at the 13 colonies.  

We also completed our second round of STAR testing. Expect to see these results with the next trimester report card.

Upcoming important dates:
Catholic Schools Week
1/30 - Military appreciation 10 am students may wear patriotic tops and add on (uniform bottom)
1/31 - Parent appreciation-goodies for parents @ round about 8-8:15
2/1 - Student appreciation day - Free dress and ice cream @ lunch
2/2 - Vocations day
2 /3 - Faculty appreciation
2/17 - Early dismissal @ 11:30
2/18 - MDJDA Parent retreat (9:30-11:30) and Soccer banquet (11:30-1:00)
3/1 - Ash Wednesday Mass @ 8:00 am at Mater Dei Parish

Reading/Language Arts
Monday 1/30
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 2/6

Practice Spelling Words
Choose one of the below for practice:
-Make flash-cards of multiplication facts.

-Khan Academy skills:
-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders
First Communion questions 
11. When do we receive the Bread of Life?
When we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
12. When did Jesus give us the Sacrament of the Blessed Eucharist?
Jesus gave us the Sacrament  of the Blessed Eucharist at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday.
Tuesday 1/31
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 2/6

Choose one of the below for practice:
-Make flash-cards of multiplication facts.

-Khan Academy skills:
-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Wednesday 2/1
No Homework
No Homework

Thursday 2/2
Raz kids or a book
15 min – English
15 min – Spanish
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 2/6

Practice spelling words

Complete and study the practice test for chapter 4 test tomorrow

Friday 2/3
Fill out reading log for English and Spanish Due Monday 2/6

English Spelling Words (Test 2/8)
er and or sounds
  1. teacher
  2. brother
  3. mayor
  4. answer
  5. another
  6. rocker
  7. worker
  8. perfect
  9. trainer
  10. danger
  11. after
  12. flavor
  13. without
  14. enough
  15. world

Lista 3
Palabras de ortografía y vocabulario
Lecturas: ¿Porque nos entran ganas de bostezar?,¿Zapatos?, Mi abuelita tiene ruedas

Semana del jueves 26 de enero al 3 de febrero
Examen Viernes 3 de febrero

Vocabulario y Ortografía:

1. enfadado
2. aspirar
3. satisfecho
4. mandriles
5. bocanada
6. involuntario
7. sintético
8. distinta
9. gruñe
10. “Gruñe como oso"
11. "Sorda como una tapia"
12. "Ni con tirabuzón"
13. específico

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