Sunday, May 28, 2017

Week 38: Homework

Hello Third Grade Parents!

We had a wonderful week last week. Here is what we did.

Math: We finished our fractions unit and now we look at measurement.   

Language Arts: We finished our fairy tale unit and we are now moving on to habitats and living things.

Upcoming important dates:
6/5 - Third Grade Spelling Bee
6/8 - School Wide Pizza Party (No need to bring lunch) & Sports Day - Please have your student come in PE uniform

Reading/Language Arts
Monday 5/29

No School
Read and practice spelling bee words

Choose one of the below for practice:

-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Tuesday 5/30

Read and practice spelling bee words

Choose one of the below for practice:

-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Wednesday 5/31

Read and practice spelling bee words

Choose one of the below for practice:
-Practice Sheets
In Blue folder

Thursday 6/1

Read and practice spelling bee words

Choose one of the below for practice:
-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

-Practice Sheets
In Blue folders

Friday 6/2

Read and practice spelling bee words

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